news with the tag lgbt +

  • Gay

    Best Gay Porn Sites

    Best Gay Porn Sites: Check Out the Complete List with Free and Diverse Content! If you're looking for the best gay porn sites, you're in the right place! After all, the adult content industry aimed at the LGBTQIA+ audience has been growing...

  • Gay

    Best gay apps and gay dating sites

    Just like several well-known apps for straight people, but where gay people can also interact, there are some better gay apps, aimed only at them, with a few more possibilities. We will look at some of them, but first, I want you to understand the reason for the search...

  • Gay

    How this Chinese gay dating app could become a unicorn

    Did you know that the Chinese gay dating app Blued could become a major icon for the LGBT community in China? That's right! The app is planning its initial public offering in the United States. And by all accounts, the tool could raise up to...

  • Gay

    Barbie supports GAY marriage

    Even though gay marriage has been legalized in several countries, including Brazil, many people still “turn their noses up” at the issue. So much so that several governments have had to create laws to ensure that this right is respected. In Brazil, for example, a...

  • Gay

    Gay/LGBT Dating Sites: What Are the Options?

    There is no shortage of options for those who are straight and want to meet people and arrange meetings, but what about Gay/LGBT dating sites? Did you know there are endless options too? Sometimes this is not so clear precisely because they are less known, but yes,...

  • Gay

    After all what's the difference in being gay?

    Many men who are still trying to figure out more about their sexuality are unsure whether there is any difference in being gay or not. This is because, in the eyes of society, it seems that being homosexual means you have to change completely...

  • Gay

    LGBT victories for equality in recent years in Brazil

    LGBT victories for equality in recent years in Brazil have been very strong. This is because the fight they have is not only about who they are, but also about how they are seen by others. No one wants to go through hardships these days...

  • LGBT Diversity Pride: Startups That Got Ahead

    Nowadays, pride in LGBT diversity makes many people seek out places and options that think the same way. Thus, startups that open their doors to this audience are able to stand out, since in the midst of their work, they also encompass this audience. ...

  • Gay

    Gay? Maybe not! You already date men, now what?

    Gay? Maybe not! Many men wonder if dating other guys makes them gay. For many people, when a guy goes out with another guy he is automatically gay, which is not true. In fact, some famous actors recently admitted that they had relationships...

  • Gay

    Rock in Rio's greatest success is the 'gay kit', talkey?

    During the last elections, the gay kit became famous throughout Brazil. According to the current president Jair Bolsonaro, it was a kit that should be distributed in public schools throughout Brazil. But, as it was later proven, it was all just Fake News...

  • Gay

    Absolut campaign celebrates gay love

    Brands are increasingly giving more importance to the issue of representation. And Absolut's campaign is one of the proofs of this movement. Entitled Kiss with Pride, the promotional action aims to raise the discussion on the topic of gay love. In addition, it...

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