news with the tag porn

  • 10 Most Searched Porn Terms on the Internet

    The demand for adult content on the web is constantly growing. But, have you ever wondered which pornographic terms are most searched for? With the immensity of possibilities that currently exist, users can find a little of everything. From productions more...

  • Top 10 benefits of watching pornography

    Watching pornography is generating some controversy on social media, some people see harm, but watching porn can also bring benefits. If you like to watch pornography properly, you certainly know that it can provide some knowledge capable of...

  • Top 10 porn sites for women

    Today we are going to talk about the best porn sites for women, because their sexual needs and preferences are often different from those of men. Although some people still see the topic as taboo, the number of women who consume porn movies...

  • Brazzers: one of the most accessed porn sites

    It's time to talk about Brazzers: one of the most visited porn sites. It's among the five hundred most popular and that's saying something. The reason? There are many sites available, so this position is a big plus for it. Accessing the site,...

  • Suicide Girls: The website

    Suicide Girls is a website where you can see models that are outside the norm established by society. Alternative models, with colored or styled hair, tattoos and tastes considered strange. The website has models who have millions of followers on their social networks...

  • Pornhub biggest porn site in the world

    Did you know that Pornhub is considered the largest porn site in the world by many users? Although there is no official ranking that analyzes all the main portals in the genre, the fact that the platform annually releases numbers about its audience already says a lot. ...

  • Different porn sites: running away from the trivial

    Escape from the trivial and get to know different porn sites. Did you know that more than 56% of the planet's population uses the internet, approximately almost 5 billion people. This number is really impressive, and the most incredible thing is the number of people who access porn sites,...

  • Entering the world of adult entertainment: first steps

    We know that this porn world arouses a lot of curiosity in us, but have you ever stopped to think about what the initial steps are to enter the world of adult entertainment? What really should or shouldn't happen in order for this to work out? If you still...

  • Porn: the existing possibilities at

    Explore the Adult Vip website We are sure that, even without knowing you, we have one thing in common: liking the porn world. Because, since you are here, this can automatically be concluded. But now, we want to talk a little about the possibilities that exist in...

  • Gay

    Gay porn women: what do they think when they watch it?

    Did you know that women are major consumers of gay porn? It may seem strange to many people, but it is a reality that is growing more and more. Thus, the porn industry makes billions annually, and even with piracy and the ease we have in...

  • PornHub and Its Site Audience – Top 20

    PornHub releases its audience data annually. Through this data, it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of the behavior of users of this type of site. It is possible to know a little bit of everything. From the most used means of access by Internet users, to what type of term...