news with the tag sex tips

  • Sex Life: How to Make It Exciting

    Sex life: Has yours become routine? Has it lost its charm? Check out some ways to rekindle your desires or improve your relationship even more When it comes to sex life, each person is different in some aspects. Some people love more intense sex, while others...

  • Sex

    Good in bed: Women give them tips

    Good in bed: Some women give their tips on how to impress them during sex Every man wants to impress his woman with his performance during sex. Who wouldn't like to have their performance or member praised? This strokes the ego of any man...

  • Sex

    Sexual frequency in the relationship: What is ideal?

    Is the frequency of sex in your relationship satisfactory? It is not always easy to understand some issues within our relationships. Many times, we look for answers to seemingly simple things, however, some end up hammering in our...

  • Sex

    Insecurities that ruin your sex life

    Insecurities can affect several areas of your life, including your intimacy, making sex unsatisfactory. Many people believe that for good sex, all you need is to receive the right physical stimulation, find an experienced person who can satisfy your...

  • Sex

    Penis Pumps: Do They Really Work?

    Do the famous penis pumps really deliver what they promise? Nowadays, there are several resources that promise to enlarge the penis and put an end to premature ejaculation once and for all. However, some of them are not cheap at all, making them unfeasible for most people.

  • Sex

    Things that break the mood during sex

    There are certain situations that ruin the mood during sex and many people have already experienced something like this. It's always great when we are in complete harmony with the other person during sex, this makes the experience much more pleasurable for both of us,...

  • Sex Tips: Men's Health

    Speaking of sex tips, men's health continues to be partially taboo in the information age and they still suffer from sexual adversities, in addition to taking a long time to seek professional help, which makes body care difficult. Experts are the ones to...

  • Sex

    What is Sexting? Sending erotic messages

    The word sexting is a neologism taken from the English language composed of the English words 'sex' and 'texting'. Sexting refers to sending messages with pornographic and/or erotic content through cell phones. What is Sexting? Learn about this...

  • Strategies for women to enjoy non-stop

    Everyone wants to learn strategies for women to enjoy non-stop. Now you can. For a long time, only the man and enjoying him was important. But that's over. Today, what a woman feels and thinks, including her sexuality, matters a lot. And how much women have if...

  • Sex

    Oral Sex: The Secrets of the Deep Throat

    Many people enjoy deep throating, but not all women are able to do this practice because it can be uncomfortable for some. When it comes to people, each one has their own taste, and this also applies to oral sex. It is very difficult to find a...

  • Sex

    Sex: the best tips to drive your partner crazy

    So, sex time is sacred, isn't it? They say that having sex is like riding a bike: once you learn it, you never forget it. However, let's face it, innovating and perfecting this practice is great! Because it's so simple, sex can also end up falling apart...