news with the tag transvestites

  • Best Transvestite and Trans Porn Actresses

    The Best Transgender and Shemale Porn Actresses from Brazil and the World The best transgender and shemale porn actresses of all time gathered in one place. A true work of art! However, be aware that many of these dolls that we will list may not even be...

  • Trans porn actress in Brazil

    What it's like to be a trans porn actress in Brazil : Transgender women are discreetly successful in the pornographic industry. These artists have a unique vision of what it means to be transgender, and they, with the changes in society, are shaping the concept that...

  • Gay

    LGBT victories for equality in recent years in Brazil

    LGBT victories for equality in recent years in Brazil have been very strong. This is because the fight they have is not only about who they are, but also about how they are seen by others. No one wants to go through hardships these days...