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Tantric massage: what you need to know about it!

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A Tantric massage is one of the most talked about subjects in the world of pornography. And that's because, there are those who say that, only those who don't know it don't like it, it's so good. The idea of ​​tantric massage is based on Tantra, which emerged 2500 before Christ. Tantra is a philosophy and the famous Yoga is one of its foundations.

Tantric massage

Source: healthist

Some of the bases of this philosophy are the sensorial, the matriarchal and meditations in the midst of practices. Energy is also one of the most present things, so anyone who thinks about tantric massage automatically reflects on energy. And this in the sense that it provides movement, possibilities to the sexual act.

People's sensitivity is another fundamental point of any tantric massage. And what happens when we think about sensitivity and sex? how much orgasm can be stimulated from tantric massage. Because this is one of the objectives of this question.

There is a kind of hormone regulation, as they are analyzed and worked on. However, experts in tantric massage make it clear that the topic is not to be confused with tantric sex. This is because this term can refer to any type of sex, of different natures. While tantric massage necessarily refers to the sexuality present in sexual relations.

Tantra is all about construction, so there's no need to rush and no rush.

Is tantric massage related to massage therapy?

Tantric massage is powerful in intimacy, allowing you to explore all the pleasures of the body

Although many people think so, actually no. It goes much more on the one hand to be based on philosophy than on anything else. However, it is not the type of massage that is recognized with this title. But yes, it is an alternative style therapy. Massage therapists don't use it either, but people who want some results sexually speaking.

A Tantric massage became, in Brazil, a reference after the creation of its own method, which was called Tântrica Extreme.

Even, as a curiosity, there is a postgraduate course on human sexuality that focuses on tantric therapy, which has existed since last year and amazingly, is approved by the MEC. It is available in Brasilia.

It is important to think about this in the sense that, if people still do not have this vision, there is nothing more important than specific training in this regard. This is because they are the ones who provide people with real conditions to act. Without necessarily thinking that everyone can just do whatever they want.

Tantric massage

Using massage oil is important as it provides luxury and choosing the right scent can help your mood.

There are those who understand massage only as a means of relaxation, but in fact, things go far beyond that. It is much more a set of ideas and questions than just one thing. And those who already use the technique as a means of working or delaying their orgasm, you know it well. Therefore, if you are interested in using these techniques, research and find out what possibilities are available and those that best fit your needs. The chances that you will be satisfied will be much greater in this case.

(Source images healthista)

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