The dream of many women is to become luxury escorts.
And that's because they usually earn a lot of money, as the name implies, accompanying men in their various activities.
The goals can be individual or mutual, but all that is known is that they end up getting along very well, especially in a financial sense.
This is because they manage to schedule several times in the middle of their weeks and, the sum of all of them, generates an income that is usually very pleasant.
This is a question many people ask. And the answer is no. Especially because, people's taste is very relative and not everyone will find the same girl beautiful.
Especially because, let the truth be told: most luxury escorts are beautiful afterwards, precisely because they use the money they earned for face and body changes.
Hair grows longer and healthier, breasts and buttocks get bigger, including lips and eyelashes, and waists get smaller every day.
With money, anything is possible.
Another point that means that there is no beauty requirement related to the accompanying woman is that she can charge according to this item.
Those who are already more experienced and tend to be more requested, charge more, while the others, a more affordable price.
Of course, in some way, the woman needs to attract attention, because she will only be hired if her photo pleases, but she doesn't necessarily have to be a soap opera actress.
If I said yes, I would be lying.
I say this because the challenges are huge, especially in the beginning to get a clientele.
Prejudice also ends up being very big, even within families.
Many women would rather change cities than accept continuing to suffer from rejection.
So too, a lot of people don't understand why they don't use their own name. It's their way of preserving themselves.
So, in the beginning, it's not easy to live on that alone.
You end up having several expenses that cannot always be paid for with the escort service alone.
But once you settle in, everything becomes easier.
Even because, it is very common that whoever hired you, rehires or even indicates.
There is no way to assert a value. Because, everything will depend on the region in which you will work.
It may be that in your city, companions charge R$5.000,00 an hour, but in another place, the hourly rate does not exceed R$400,00.
I say this because, according to the local market, you will base yourself so as not to run too far from it.
Also because, just like any other job, escorts are a class that needs to stick together.
It's not a competition, there's room for everyone.
Just as you also need to self-assess to find out how much you think your time is worth.
If you're just starting out, you can't put your price up there, like some escorts that have been on the market for a long time.
Charging too little is not the right thing either, because you need to value yourself.
Then, analyze the price that you believe is fair.
Nobody, in any job, can work all the time, without stopping. And you probably won't either.
Therefore, a tip is that you think about how much you want to earn and thus, stipulate your schedules.
If you want to have days off, excellent, you can, but preferably choose the beginning of the week, where there may not be so much demand.
Imagine, for example, that your hour as a companion costs R$600,00. Your initial goal is R$6.000,00 per month.
You will need to dedicate ten hours of your month to make this happen.
But, in fact, it is much more than that.
There's the preparation: the gym, the mall to buy the clothes, the manicure.
Once you start having several clients, you will realize that it becomes easier to organize yourself.
Then you discover that on the day, for example, you can only serve a maximum of two customers.
Or even: that a client who hires you for longer hours needs to be retained because everything ends up being easier.
So no, you don't have to and shouldn't work all day. Just enough for this job to make your dreams come true and most importantly, pay your bills.
Many escorts, at some point in their work, used to dealing with rich men, receive proposals to stop working in general to dedicate themselves to that man.
So, what to do?
It all depends on the intention of the companion.
If she enjoys his company and the amount offered was equal to or greater than what she earns with several, why not accept it?
And then, the deals come in: how many days will they see each other? Will he bankroll everything for her? Will he give a salary?
After everything is agreed, there is nothing to worry about, make the choice that you think is best at that moment.
Now, if he is not a person with whom you have a good relationship, in every way, who treats you badly and who you know will not fulfill the agreements, the answer must be no.
It's funny that most people think that escorts, due to their profession, don't have any feelings, but that's where you're wrong.
Remember that feeling good is essential!
If that was your decision, great, now it's just putting things into practice.
Start thinking about how you will publicize your work, whether it will be through specific sites, a space of your own on the internet.
Invest in sensual photos, but don't try to escape too much from reality.
And always specify how things will happen in each meeting, so that possible problems do not happen.
But mostly, feel pleasure in practicing the profession. Don't just do it for the money, or things won't work out.
If you choose not to be a companion, another tip is to turn call girl! Want to know more? Read this material.