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Sex positions at the beginning of the relationship: you need to know!  

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Have you ever stopped to think about sexual positions at the beginning of the relationship? That's because, everyone knows that the beginning of a relationship is very different! It's normal to get anxious wanting to know who and what the person we choose in the sexual sense will be like.

And, not everyone uses dialogue to gain this knowledge. Therefore, it is important to know some of the positions that work the most, really work in the midst of this beginning. This way, things become much easier.

One of them, of all the sexual positions at the beginning of the relationship, is the famous domination. It is possible in two senses: the man dominating or the woman. But, the idea is that the woman is on top and has all the control. There are no secrets in practice. The man simply lays down and the woman lies on top of him. She can have sex sitting or even lying down.

beginner sex positions


And that's the best part of this position. Because the woman chooses if she wants to dominate and thus remain in control, with her sitting the way she wants or, if at some point, she will lean a little and like that, let the man take care of the relationship. If you manage to do these two things, you're sure to succeed, because that's exactly how men and women like it: sometimes to dominate, sometimes to be dominated.

Another of the sexual positions at the beginning of the relationship is the so-called trapeze. She's almost a daddy and mommy, but with the variation of the way the body looks. It can be understood better through the next image. The name is due to the movements and position, which end up being different.


Sex positions at the beginning of the relationship: a few more!

Another very famous and very favorable for the beginning of the relationship is the mirror of pleasure. In it, the woman lifts her legs and rests them on the guy's shoulder. Thus, the pressure during the sexual act ends up being much greater. And, consequently, the pleasure too. The vision that the man starts to have is also another reason that only makes the horny increase.



The famous shell also could not, in any way, fail to be mentioned among the sexual positions at the beginning of the relationship.

It is known that, even if the sexual act does not occur, lying down with a spoon is already quite pleasurable, so imagine having sex that way. It is not only indicated for the beginning of a relationship, but is seen as an excellent option for those who want to start practicing anal sex.

sexual positions


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