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Women's Thoughts During Oral Sex

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Many men are curious to know what goes on in women's minds when they are giving or receiving oral sex. For many this is irrelevant, but there are those who are concerned about their partner's reaction during this act, whether she is enjoying sucking him, whether the oral he does on her pleases her and several other questions that are common to cross their minds at that moment. so tasty for many.

Sex it's a very good thing and the oral is not just a preliminary as many think, it is an indispensable form of sex for many people, especially for men.

Seriously, can you imagine a man who doesn't like to receive a good oral sex? It gets hard, doesn't it? Since a well-done blowjob is at the top of their sexual preferences. In their case, it is also a practice that pleases the majority, even though there is a considerable number of women who are still ashamed to admit that they enjoy a blowjob. For them, it is the best way to reach orgasm, but of course the person who has the mission of using the tongue to give them pleasure, has to pay attention and know exactly what to do to prevent what was supposed to be pleasurable. , turn into a complete disappointment for the partner.

Thinking about these questions, we've made a list of the most common thoughts they have when you're oral on her and also when they're practicing. Some things will surprise you, check it out!

Thought of Women Oral Sex

Source: freundind.e

They get a little impatient

If you're the type to take too long kissing her belly, breasts and other places, when she's dying for you to fall right on her mouth, a thousand impatient thoughts can run through her head. Your partner will think you're never going to get out of there.

Am I hairy?

If the woman doesn't have her waxing up to date, she may be a little worried about this issue. Even if you think it's silly, to them, the slightest fur can look like a real forest, and often when you're down there doing the job, she might be thinking about it.

The smell has to be pleasant.

The vagina has a distinctive smell that is generally not bothersome, but many women are concerned about this. If the smell is pleasant to your partner's nose, then there's nothing better than taking a shower before falling head over heels on your cat.

Is he frustrated?

Don't be the type of guy who sucks the woman in a hurry to make her reach orgasm, this can be frustrating and a fixed thought in her head, if she realizes her lack of patience during the oral. They are very concerned if their partner is frustrated with the delay.

Better try something different

Sometimes it crosses their minds that oral sex is not good at all, and they just want the partner to read their thoughts at that time to facilitate the blow job, but many will not have the courage to speak.

Preoccupation with reaching orgasm

This is their common thought. When they are receiving oral sex, many women are concerned about reaching orgasm soon to please their partner, something that is not very nice, but it is a very recurring thought among them.

You are the best!

Although many won't tell you, when oral sex is good, their thoughts revolve around how good you are. They will be completely horny and smitten, but it may not matter to you.

Women Oral Sex


Lick or suck, that is the question!

This question is very common in women with little experience. They might wonder if you like having your dick licked or sucked by them more.

Look in the eyes

Many women have the thought that they must look into their partner's eyes during oral sex, to please their partner. Some wonder if the sexy face works and excites the partner more.

Hold with both hands

Some women also think about this question, whether they should grab their partner's penis with one or two hands during oral sex. It sounds silly, but it's common for them to think about it.

a hair in the mouth

They might even ignore it, but if that little embarrassment happens of a pubic hair falling into their mouth while they practice the oral, you can be sure that most of them will be very uncomfortable thinking about it, even if they say otherwise.

Is he enjoying it?

Just as most men are concerned about giving pleasure to their partner, they also charge themselves a lot when performing oral sex. While you're there using your mouth, the question about pleasing you or not may cross their minds.

When will it end?

I'm sorry, but if you're one of those who haven't been interested in learning how to suck a woman right, her thought if your oral is bad will be to end soon. She can think of the color of the wall, the manicure she has scheduled, work, anything, aiming to get it over with as quickly as possible.

When ejaculating

While sucking on you, they may worry that you're going to cum in their mouth without warning. For many this is pleasurable, a fetish, but for other women it may not be pleasant at all and this will be one of their thoughts while they are stimulating your member with their mouth.

spit or swallow

This is a frequent question for women and it is difficult to reach a consensus when it comes to this subject. As we mentioned, for some it is pleasant to swallow the partner's sperm, but for others, even being liberal with regard to oral sex, it is not good at all, so, depending on who is receiving the oral, she may think about what to do when the guy reaching orgasm.

These were some of the common thoughts of women during oral sex. Some are curious and others are not pleasant. To avoid embarrassing situations during sex, it's important to follow some tips to make the experience pleasant for you and your partner.

Give or accept instructions

It is very important to give precise instructions on how you like to receive oral sex, and also to know how to hear from your partner how good it is for her. This facilitates pleasure for both of you and helps you both reach orgasm more easily.

Talk to her naturally

When it comes to sex, there's no reason why a couple can't talk about it openly. Sex is more than a procreation tool, it is a gesture of union between two people, a unique moment, which is why it is essential that the two are in tune in this regard. Talking to your partner about her desires and hers is essential for you to have very satisfying sexual relations without taboos.

Put your hands over your head

It's a good trick to help your partner during oral sex. With delicate movements, you can guide the position of the other person's head so that they do it the way that is pleasant for you, in addition to being very sexy for some. It's like showing the other person that they are on the right path.

The tongue cannot be left out

Making sucking movements with your mouth is usually a delight when sucking someone, but it's not worth just using your lips to suck your partner's member, you have to know how to dose it. The tongue is a fundamental part, you don't need to move it madly trying to get the rhythm right, just start gently and alternate with other movements.

Say what you're feeling and ask

If the person is having oral sex in a way that is not good, it is worth talking and explaining how you feel about it, just as it is essential to ask if the way you do it is good for the other person.

The tongue cannot be left out


  • These were just a few tips to improve your oral sex and learn a little about what women think during this act, whether giving or receiving. Men need to be more dedicated to giving this type of pleasure to their partner, as recent research by the  showed that among the people interviewed, 63% of men reported receiving oral sex in their relationships, while only 44% of women reported the same. This shows that many still ignore the partner's pleasure, for various reasons, but the truth is that in the same survey, they concluded that most women prefer to receive than to give oral sex, so it is important that you know how to use your language and surprise your wife with a good neat oral, for sure she will love it!
  • Want to know more about female oral sex?
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