O Redtube is one of the most accessed porn sites on the internet. There is a top 10 with the most popular categories within the site, which receive millions of visitors daily. In each place in the world, users have their preferences, but what interests us are the hits here in Brazil, so we made a list of these categories, and selected some of the best videos in each one of them.
The amateur category has gained more and more popularity on the most famous erotic sites on the internet, because with all the current technology, it has become much easier to shoot this type of video with much better quality, however, many people like a more realistic sex. , and amateur videos provide this very well.
Who doesn't like anal sex? For men, having this kind of sex is like winning a very valuable prize. Seeing a wonderful cat with a perky butt makes anyone horny, so this category is in second place in the most popular categories on Redtube.
Not only in Brazil, but all over the world, the lesbian category does not leave the top 10. It is in third place, and it is easy to understand this fetish that most men have, in seeing two wonderful women having sex.
This category in the top 4 may surprise many people, since the preference for young girls is quite large, however, the public that follows Redtube knows very well the value of a milf with more experience.
The staff also loves to see a hottie cumming, or getting a nice cumshot after a neat sex. The category ranked fifth, and it's full of delicious videos.
It is very interesting to see this category in the top 10 of the site. It seems that not only are women curious to see a well-endowed man in action, but many men are looking for videos with this theme. Often this curiosity has nothing sexual, but a curiosity to know if the size of the penis itself is consistent with that of the actors.
Another super popular category on Redtube is sought by both gay men and women, who represent a large portion of consumers of this type of pornography.
Double penetration is a sexual modality that is not very common in our lives, however, enthusiasts of this fetish can put their desires into practice by watching movies where a hot woman ends up releasing two men at the same time.
There's no one who doesn't like a nice pair of very full breasts, and in porn it's even better. There are many sex scenes with hot women doing Spanish and other positions, while we are drooling over their giant breasts.
As well as the mature women category, we have one more involving experienced women, in the top 10. The category milf it usually features women playing the role of a hot mother or stepmother, and has become quite popular on Redtube.