Is having sex with a companion cheating or not? This is one of the most common questions asked by married men today. For many, the fact of hiring a luxury escort removes the “weight” of betrayal. After all, he would just be arranging an outlet for his desire, separating attraction from love.
However, it must be taken into account that betrayal is directly linked to the way a couple conducts a relationship. And to answer this, which is one of the most common questions asked by married men, we need to explain the entire context of current relationships.
The first thing you need to ask yourself is what makes a married man look for a luxury escort. There are a lot of reasons that can lead to this type of search.
From an intimate desire that the partner is unable to satisfy, to the insecurity of doing something wrong with the one he loves and thus seeking to “train” with other women. It is something very personal for each man.
But the truth is that the fact that a man seeks this type of company reveals a lot about a relationship. Is him wanting to have sex with a prostitute a synonym for the relationship not going well? Not necessarily!
That's because more and more people have understood that attraction and love are different things. You will definitely be attracted to other people without loving them.
And it is precisely this desire that has changed the way many couples deal with their relationships.
For a long time society perpetuated the idea that men have this lack of control over their own desire, which is a fallacy. After all, human beings have the ability to reason and can control themselves.
How many times, for example, have you felt so much hatred for your boss that you almost wanted to punch him, but you didn't? Of course there are exceptions, but then we get to the subject of mental disorders that prevent people from controlling their actions.
But the truth is that for the most part, men and women do have desire and attraction for people other than their partners, but they also have the ability not to choose betrayal.
However, nowadays, betrayal has become more subjective, precisely because couples have talked more about it. If you both have your desires, why not shape the relationship so that everyone is satisfied?
Having sex with a luxury escort may or may not be a betrayal. Everything will depend on what the couple agrees on.
If the man and woman have talked about it, and agreed that there is such a “free pass” most certainly the act cannot be considered as a betrayal. After all, the parties involved are fully aware of the matter.
In turn, if both have signed an agreement to live in monogamy, that is, to only have one sexual partner, then the act is considered treason. That's why everything is a matter of agreement.
One of the most important things in relation to this question for a married man is to emphasize the importance of having empathy for your partner. Of course, you have the right to feel like having sex with a luxury escort, all animals (including humans) have sexual desire as one of their natural instincts.
However, it is up to the exercise of having empathy for the partner. Okay, you want to have one free pass to fuck escorts whenever you want, but would you be willing to do the same for her?
Regardless of whether she wants it or not, if she asked to have it free press with a male (or even female) escort would you have the same understanding?
If the answer is NO right away, then maybe it's time to rethink your own attitudes within the relationship. A healthy relationship is made of mutual exchange.
So if you're demanding something you're not willing to give in return, it's best to sit down and talk.
Cheating, for men, usually boils down to the act of having sex. But depending on what was agreed within the relationship, it can encompass other things.
Sending nudes to someone else, for example, does not involve any sexual act per se, but it is a betrayal of trust for many couples.
After all, many expect monogamy to be enforced in every way. Whether in sex or attitudes like that.
But after all, how can you manage to create a relationship where having sex with a luxury escort, even if just to satisfy an almost animal desire, isn't it treason? There is no secret, the couple needs to sit down, talk, and establish an agreement.
Of course, you shouldn't do this all at once. Especially because there are many people who still consider open relationships “impossible”.
It is necessary to approach the themes gradually. You can start by talking about how all human beings have a natural attraction to other individuals, without necessarily involving feelings.
Or how it can help build a more harmonious and firm relationship. Only then does the serious talk need to be done. And here we once again emphasize the importance of putting yourself in the other's shoes.
It's no use getting into the conversation saying "I want this", the partner agrees and shows interest in the same thing, and you then say "but only I can". You really have to have an open mind.
Remembering, of course, that not all women feel the same need. In fact, there are many who agree with their partner going out with escorts, without demanding the same in return. Each person has their conditions!
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