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Single gay gene does not exist, according to DNA analysis

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When it comes to a single gay gene, many people end up having doubts.

Including in the sense of what makes a person choose to be homosexual. A very complex and also complete research done, from DNA'a, showed that, there is not a single gay gene.

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This study was carried out by researchers living in two locations: Europe and also the United States.

But what is the real importance of this study? What does he want to show us? Mainly that, there is no way to guess or predict any sexual behavior just by evaluating the genome.

So, it's not that simple to understand how each person is born or chooses to be homosexual, since there isn't a single gene that shows and/or proves it.

There is an interaction that takes place with the most varied parts of the genome, in addition to some environmental factors, which are not easy to identify and influence this issue.

At this point, you may even be wondering: but what do you mean? The research was done with some people and you already had this proof, sure? In order to make the result available, the number of DNA profiles analyzed was half a million.

The survey response was published in a very famous magazine called Science.

The researchers' intention in showing that there is not a single gay gene

In the old days and not so long ago, there was a very strong idea that a single gene could be analyzed and thus, it would be discovered if the person was gay or not.

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People thought that, just as the color of people's eyes could be defined through some findings, the sexual option could also be.

It turns out that for that single gene to show so much, it would have to be practically something that has superpowers, which doesn't exist.

And that was the idea of ​​the researchers: to show that it is impossible for just one detail to prove something.

What other issues need to be taken into account?

In addition to DNA, there are other circumstances that make people gay or not.

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Among the questions and leaving aside the only gay gene analyzed and disappointed as the case's answer, we have specific characteristics.

One of them concerns everyday situations and how much they can make sexual choices different.

How the family sees the issue makes all the difference. Several people end up never admitting to being homosexual, for example, because they are afraid of the reaction of others.

Therefore, it is extremely relevant to understand that everything influences. Want to see another example? Imagine that you swim with a lot of people who are gay. And you are not, you are female and straight.

But, due to several issues, such as the disappointment you had with the male audience, you can simply choose to be lesbian or bisexual.

This desire can also surface at a specific time and this means that, once again, that single gay gene is not solely responsible for the whole issue.

In fact, many women become lesbians only when they are adults and more mature, when they realize that they are attracted to other women.

Many people feel entitled to judge others for this, stating that they don't understand how they became gay if they weren't before.

But the point is, they were gone, they just hadn't understood, seen before. Everyday situations then lead to this question.

Would the single gay gene, if it existed, be a problem?

It could be. Mainly in the sense that many people, completely prejudiced, would do the following: they would try to find out if this gene would be present in their child, who hadn't even been born yet and thus reject it.

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This is very common with people who have a disability, including. Parents can perform exams even when the baby is in the mother's belly and specificities appear in them.

So, it is possible to control and predict some points. Today, technology is so great that, even before becoming pregnant, it is possible to know whether any problems with the parents' genes would lead to the possibility of children with health problems.

After these results, the parents can then decide how to proceed, whether to decide that the woman becomes pregnant or not.

It seems obvious, but especially for those who already have children who were born with these needs, the risk of having more and they also have disabilities is great. And it is known that financial conditions need to be much higher in these cases.

So, for some people, having this single gay gene that would show if the person was homosexual would create a lot of conflicts. Although, as a positive point, it would explain many things.

And it would show a lot of prejudiced people that a sexual option is not made in any way to affront society, as many people tend to say. And yes, because the person was born with that specific desire, which at some point in his life will appear more strongly.

Will more research continue?

No doubt. Especially because it is known that the combination of genes and other issues can show a more specific result.

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Therefore, studies will continue on this subject and many others.

It is noteworthy that no one should be judged or misunderstood due to their choices, since they are only yours and stimulated by tastes and desires that are not always chosen, but felt.

The research related to the single gay gene was concluded without positive results, but it is still being thought what is the set of possibilities that will arrive at this result.

Gays themselves often state that they do not know how to explain their sexual orientation, just as it is often the case with straight people. They are only straight because for them, it is something natural, they followed something that society already requested, showed, publicized.

Thankfully, today, it is a much calmer subject in the sense of how much is publicized. It stopped being taboo to be gay a long time ago.

Even in soap operas, it used to be something that the population saw as a horror. Today, it is much more publicized.

Up to gay campaigns already bring the idea.

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