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Amateur or Professional Videos: Favorite Porn?

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Men's Preference in Porn: Amateur or Professional Videos? We live in a hyper-sexualized world in which pseudo-pornographic images constantly come before us as soon as we wake up. Subway posters, pop music videos, cologne advertisements and, of course, all the alternatives that the porn industry offers. However, even today, it seems like exclusive territory for men.

Amateur or Professional Videos: What Kind of Porn Do Men Prefer?

Kitten videos and Internet pornography are rampant. Almost everyone loves kitty videos and almost as many people (whether they admit it or not) like porn.

Men are the majority who confess, for this reason they were asked which type of pornographic video they liked the most. Whether it was amateur or professional videos.

Male Interest in Porn Survey Results: Amateur or Professional Videos

This research considered the response of 3 pornography consumers, who gave their opinions and informed what they liked when it comes to videos for adults, both alone and accompanied. The responses led to the following conclusions:

– More than 70% of men who view pornography prefer amateur movies. That's right, professional porn lost out to home video.

– Although there was almost a technical tie, videos for adults in which there is a sex story are more interesting more than 38% of all men prefer this type of video.

– On the other hand, although with a small percentage distance, short videos of sex scenes satisfy more than 31% of respondents in the survey.

– When to professional sex videos, traditional porn won about 12% of the votes.

At first, this result that men prefer amateur sex videos more than professional ones may be curious, but the truth is that there are reasons for this.

Professional porn montages

hot amateur porn video

Source: pornpics

Most say, in public, not to see or hide from their partners, the reality is that millions of people around the world do this and the offer is not only extensive, but very affordable. Of course, there are controversies such as porn lies or misconceptions about pornography that are more common and shared in our society and that explain the research opinion mentioned above.

Professional pornography does not represent reality

As in other types of films, pornographic films are more or less artistic creations, based on everyday situations, but not true. This serves to identify and make us feel protagonists, fulfilling its main objective, to excite us.

The issue is on account of the aesthetic component and fantasy that play a particularly important role that prevents fulfilling the criteria of reality.

For example, actors are not a true sample of society in terms of sizes and shapes of genitals, timing or human sexual response. It's a show, not a documentary.

Brutal and insured orgasms

Everyone knows the percentage of women who reach climax during sexual intercourse is not even similar to that of men, they enjoy more than 80% of their time in professional porn.

In fact, there are many actresses who choose to fake it on purpose, however if women could get excited as easily as porn actresses, they would have orgasms all day long. It is an unrealistic ecstasy.

If we're talking about acts lasting more than 20 minutes non-stop, in which there's no shortage of permanent moans, constant cruel looks and practically acrobatic posture changes, we're talking about pornography, not what happens in your bedroom.

Infinite Erections Instantly: Amateur vs Professional Videos

You haven't seen it and you won't see it. In pornography, a flaccid penis never appears during intercourse, which gives us the idea that if it happens in our bedroom, it's a little embarrassing.

The reality is that this happens far more often than men want to confess. Not only that. The stars of X movies get excited just looking at each other and don't want to do foreplay because they are permanently primed (ie, erect or oiled).

What's worse is that a study showed that men who consume a lot of porn are more likely to feel insecure about their penis size or whether their erections are abnormal because they don't last as long.

In real life, there is no need to rush and the arrival of an erection should be taken as part of the fun and enjoyment of sex.

No preservatives

actors and porn actresses they get regular STD tests to check that their health is in order and that of their “partners” is in order too. For this reason, sex on screen is done without protection, something you shouldn't do in real life if you don't want to end up catching something nasty.

There is no diversity and models of beauty are unreal

Transsexuals, homosexuals, males, bisexuals, seniors, big beautiful women etc. are part of a small and isolated niche of the pornographic market.

It seems that if you are not a woman with a wasp waist or a muscular man, sex is not for you. What the scenes don't explain is that behind those perfect figures are tons of makeup, training corsets, endless hours at the gym, painful waxing and extreme care for your image. Fortunately, there's no reason to turn off the cameras. .

amateur home videos

There are those who do this voluntarily to show off. However, there are many photos and footage taken that invaded the porn pages and for different reasons, there are revenges against ex-partners, for self-esteem or whatever...

Pornography between couples or even strangers. There are specialized sites and irredeemable fans of this style of adult video.

Love revenges are moving to the web and vice versa. The possible intersections between mass and (inter)personal communication revived the fantasies of the voyeur, whose trained eye finds pleasure in these low-pixel images. Usually they are filmed from afar or very close at times.

In conclusion, this new aesthetic of the real is today distributed between the prejudice of exhibitionism and the complexity of professional videos. These are all crafted from the porn segment industry and so it should become the most interesting category.

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