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What is incest: history, taboos, legal and biological implications

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You know what is incest? Everyone must have heard about the term or seen this word on some site, magazine or even in the categories of porn sites. Incest is nothing more than sexual practice between members of the same family.

In other words, incest is a sexual relationship between brothers and sisters, cousins ​​and cousins, uncles and aunts, of the most diverse degrees of kinship can be considered incest. As it is widely judged, it has also been practiced throughout history for various purposes. Despite that, nowadays, it's more like a fetish.

In the end, incest is nothing more than a kind of sexual preference. The recommendation for it is like all other fetishes: if you don't like it, don't do it. However, when we talk about what incest is, several religious aspects and social taboos are evoked. Check out this famous post here perverse family porno. Where it is very common to find stories of incest are on sites of e , which are filled with these stories.

What Is Incest: Legal Implications

what is incest


When we talk about what incest is, the first question that may come to mind is: isn't it a crime? In short, legally in Brazil incest is not a crime. That is, the practice has no legal implications – fine, retention, jail, etc.

What must be taken into account by practitioners is that those involved must be over eighteen years of age in complete mental condition. This practice is not carte blanche for the practice of pedophilia or rape: both are unforgivable and have specific legislation, both being heinous crimes.

So: sex with family members can, as long as they are older and able to decide for themselves. Otherwise, it becomes a crime and is characterized in other ways.

What is incest: biological questions

what is incest


Another concern that may arise when we approach the topic of what is incest concerns the biological point of view. Have you ever heard that some diseases are genetic and rare, and only happen if both parents have a biased gene? Well then.

Now imagine that these parents come from the same family. The probability that a child will inherit the two genes needed to have this disease increases significantly, doesn't it? Biologically speaking, the danger of incest lies exactly there: in genetic invariability.

This means that reproduction from beings with very similar DNA can greatly increase the chances of genetic diseases and syndromes. In addition, the antibodies are also similar, making the child more susceptible to having any type of disease.

Incest throughout history

what is incest


How we arrived at the incest-related taboo is unclear. But we can infer some options based on history. In antiquity, it was common for kings and queens to marry family members to maintain a certain lineage or reinforce some outstanding characteristic. Color of hair, eyes, among others, like a caste.

However, when the practice was maintained for many generations, children began to show neurological and physiological problems. Some lineages of "mad kings" can be explained with genetic invariance.

Less luxurious than the stories of kings and queens, incest may have happened much closer to you than you think. In the inner cities, it is common for people to marry cousins. In other words, are you going to tell us that you don't have such a story from someone in your family, near or far?

In summary, if following the limits of the law and the consent of those involved, why put a taboo on a practice that has always been part of history?

(purely illustrative images, via pornpics)
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