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The answer to the question every man asks himself: do women like anal?

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It's no secret that men love having relationships through the "back door". This desire is stronger for them and some things permeate from the mystery of the unknown, to the fact of being tighter. But the big question is, do women like anal?

Generally speaking, the answer is yes. Of course, we cannot say with certainty that 100% of women like anal, because, in addition to not having large sources of data on the subject, taste can change according to the time of life.

What we can say for sure about the anal and the female sex is that women don't like a badly done anal. Haste, concern only with penetration, treating the anus as if it were a vagina, among others, make the experience of anal sex very negative for them.

Do women like anal sex?

Do women like anal sex? Yes, with those who know how to do it! Image:

Read also Tips for the first pain free anal: she will want to do it again!

What makes women like anal sex?

Slow and in her time! Image:

One thing is certain: anal sex is indeed pleasurable, both for them and for them. The rectum region has several sensitive stimuli that imply the pleasurable sensation that anal stimulation causes.

In men, pleasure is related to the prostate. In their case, pleasure is related to the pressure caused by penetration, in addition, of course, to nerve endings. Women like anal because the stimulation of this region reach the same nerves that pervade the clitoris and vaginal lips.

Experts claim that there is also a mental relationship when it comes to anal sex. Behavioral aspects of dominance and submission are an important game in the practice of this sexual act.

So pay attention to the details! The game of persuasion and domination are also part of the magic that involves anal sex.

Taboos and their fears regarding anal sex

Some women experience anal intercourse just to please their partner, without being really comfortable with the act, and end up experiencing moments of tension and, sometimes, even pain. This relationship of doing without wishing, to provide happiness to the other, does not work in anal sex. If the two aren't in the mood, it won't happen!

Anal is very pleasurable for them. Image:

That's because anal sex is very different from vaginal sex and needs care, in addition to total partner relaxation. Anus are muscles. Tense muscles generate resistance, and using force in these causes inevitably causes pain. And this pain is one of the main fears of women about anal sex.

Another issue that concerns them is about dirt. We know that when there is penetration from behind, there is the possibility of accidents. One way to help her overcome this fear is to make it clear that it wouldn't be a problem for you. After all, dirt is cleaned! But nothing compares to the pleasure of anal sex.

In conclusion, women enjoy anal sex, but more men still need to learn how to do it. In the future, we hope that this practice will not be related to pain, but always to pleasure!

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  • Carol 2 years in August
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