• Ménage: How to behave during the act

    Threesome: Want to try it? Here's how to behave in the heat of the moment and not look like an idiot Having a threesome is a dream for most men. Many women have this fantasy, but they hesitate to reveal it for fear of their partner's judgment. Sometimes the guy might even...

  • Clitoral sucker: revealing everything about this object

    The clitoral sucker is a great option when it comes to direct stimulation of the point that is considered the generator of female pleasure. And, in case you didn't know, although the option is still little known, it has been gaining more and more space. Since,...

  • Gay

    Anal vibrator: know the possibilities of the object

    There are those who believe that anal sex is still and should continue to be taboo. However, this makes no sense at all. And to prove this, today's topic will involve the anal vibrator and the possibilities that the object allows to those who use it. One of the things that most...

  • Sex

    Sex day and the best sex positions

    There's nothing like Sex Day to make people think about spicing up their relationships. And there's no denying that a special date like this is indeed a reason to celebrate by having sex. It would be strange if it were any different. But how about reading it now and...

  • Sex

    The benefits of masturbation in your life

    The benefits of masturbation go far beyond momentary physical pleasure and do not end with orgasm. Solitary pleasure has always been a recurring theme among men, however, it is no longer a taboo for women as well. They are recognizing the...

  • Male Infidelity: Why Do Men Cheat?

    Male infidelity intrigues many women and according to experts, men are much more unfaithful than women. Male infidelity causes a lot of distrust and headaches in many women. If we ask them if they have ever been cheated on, most of them will answer...

  • Enslave the man? Now you can!

    Have you ever thought about enslaving men? How crazy can it make them? If you haven't thought about it yet, now is the time to make it happen. The first thing you need to know about enslaving men...

  • Sex Life: How to Make It Exciting

    Sex life: Has yours become routine? Has it lost its charm? Check out some ways to rekindle your desires or improve your relationship even more When it comes to sex life, each person is different in some aspects. Some people love more intense sex, while others...

  • Sex

    Good in bed: Women give them tips

    Good in bed: Some women give their tips on how to impress them during sex Every man wants to impress his woman with his performance during sex. Who wouldn't like to have their performance or member praised? This strokes the ego of any man...

  • Sex

    Sexual frequency in the relationship: What is ideal?

    Is the frequency of sex in your relationship satisfactory? It is not always easy to understand some issues within our relationships. Many times, we look for answers to seemingly simple things, however, some end up hammering in our...

  • Sex

    One wants to have more sex: how to act?

    One of the biggest problems related to sex involves: one wants to get laid more. It may seem strange to think about it, but it's natural. Although sex is often good for both people, the intensity and frequency is not always the same for both. and everything is...

  • Sex

    Pompoarismo Techniques: How does the practice work?

    Pompoarism Techniques: What is it and how does it work? The pompoarism technique is very beneficial for women's health in general. It has been proven to provide more intense orgasms, strengthen the pelvis and help resolve infections and some...

  • Sex

    Insecurities that ruin your sex life

    Insecurities can affect several areas of your life, including your intimacy, making sex unsatisfactory. Many people believe that for good sex, all you need is to receive the right physical stimulation, find an experienced person who can satisfy your...

  • Weird Sex Facts You Don't Know

    There are many strange facts about sex, however, the ones on this list are so surprising that they seem like myths. Sex is an incredible thing. Few people don't like to experience the moments of pleasure that it provides, however, there are some facts involving sex...

  • The signs and sex – Part 2

    Signs and sex: Check out some more signs and how they have sex We recently made a list of the first 6 signs of the zodiac and how their natives like to have sex. Now we'll continue talking about the last ones and show you how...

  • Sex

    Signs and sex: Do they influence in bed?

    Can signs influence someone's sexual performance and preferences? Find out more about the subject Astrology is a subject that has fascinated people for centuries and many historians say that it originated in Sumeria, long before Christ. Nowadays,...

  • Drive the man crazy in bed: find out how!

    Who never thought about how to drive a man crazy in bed? It is something common to think about, since, women know that, this makes several possibilities possible from this. Including in the sense that, this makes the man satisfied and want to please her...

  • Sex

    Sexual personalities: Meet the 10 existing types

    Sexual Personalities: Experts Reveal There Are 10. Find Out Which One Is Yours According to Tracey Cox, a sexual expert, there are ten distinct personalities in this area. In this way, they have their own particularities and while some may be common and...